Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 3100 Review

Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 3100 Review

The Philips Norelco Multigroom 3100 razor is such a catch 22 how can a product be so excellent in one area but so poor in another? Allow me to explain what I mean for this price range there is absolutely positutely no razor in the marketplace that shaves beards as well as this one and it’s not even close. This blade is sharp and cuts my beard down to size with relative ease. Same goes for private parts although you must take caution while doing so due to the obvious sensitivity. I feel like this product could be used instead of getting wax for women although I have no way to confirm this. I like how it comes with 3 different methods to shave and it includes an easy to use charging cable

Now how this product falters it’s pure garbage if you are looking for a clean shave. I tried using this thing on my sideburns and its absolutely nothing and barely shaved any hair at all. If you try to use this for a clean shave it’s going to be a mess as it simply cannot be done. None of the attachments cover this either and it’s shame as if they spent the time doing this it would be the greatest razor of all time considering the price. I also don’t like how 2 attachments are just for longer beards when they could have spared these parts for a proper clean shaver. Overall it really depends on why you need this thing I still gave it 5 stars as I would pay a lot more than 20 dollars for a precise beard trimmer.

[cryptothanks][wpedon id=1304]

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