Port Jefferson Station Long Island New York Heatherwood House Apartment Fire

Port Jefferson Station Long Island New York Heatherwood House Apartment Fire

Port Jefferson Station Long Island New York Heatherwood House Apartment Fire


There was a major fire on June 2nd 2023 at Heatherwood House Port Jefferson Station Long Island Ny


The night of June 2nd, 2023 was quite the rude awakening for residents of Heatherwood House at Port Jefferson. A fire broke out on 39 Piedmont Dr. If you ask me it seems like electrical in nature but drugs can’t be ruled out either. It’s not atypical to smell Marijuana on the premise. Fortunately only building 10 was directly affected by this fire so residents in the various other buildings were spared.


There were atleast 10 fire trucks during that night I wish I had images of this occurrence but I don’t. Residents did not return to their apartments until 1 am or later in some cases. Many were waiting in their cars at the nearby Port Jefferson Station bowling alley. Eventually many gave up and eventually walked onto the premise on foot as cars were blockaded from even coming down the street on Piedmont till 3-4 am.


EMS and Firemen stayed even later than 1 am as lights flashed all night. But by morning they did leave the site. By morning a fence could be spotted on the site. I’m assuming this is for the safety of anyone trying to get near the structure. Also if anyone thought about looting it’s probably best to board up the property as sometimes disasters can bring out the best and worse in people. This is a standard procedure and reduces Heatherwood’s liability to extraneous variables. I’ve seen countless natural disasters such as Hurricanes and Floods result in people justifying this opportunity to loot various residential and business properties.


This community will never be the same but many will forget what happened here and the lack of news coverage is why I wrote this article. To hopefully provide peace of mind to the residents that this did in fact happen as no communication from the landlord was released in any capacity. I’m updating this story now on June 19th nearly two weeks after this accident. The building has still been dead silent on what exactly occurred. They must have called the fire marshall by now… but what is possessing them to keep this information to themselves?


What will happen to those residents who lived in building 10? I’m assuming they will not need to pay rent anymore but they are technically homeless in the short term. Will the building sue the tenants if they did in fact break the rules? There are still so many questions on this and I encourage anyone to reach out if they know more information on the matter.






Source: Pebos

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  • x
    Posted at 17:22h, 11 June Reply

    Someone’s 5yo wrote this

  • admin
    Posted at 17:27h, 11 June Reply

    Thank You bro I appreciate that.

  • Derrick Jones
    Posted at 16:50h, 07 August Reply

    Where di you get your info from….not very accurate

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 23:32h, 01 September Reply

    This is a terrible article…. Embarrassing lol

  • admin
    Posted at 12:21h, 02 September Reply

    I saw it with my own eyes

  • admin
    Posted at 12:21h, 02 September Reply

    thanks, bro I appreciate the complement.

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