VAVA Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle Review

VAVA Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle Review

The VAVA insulated stainless steel water bottle is solid enough thanks to the steel to go the distance. I don’t really understand why it’s advertised as a water bottle that can preserve warm beverages when warm water is honestly disgusting. If your plan is to sell this as water bottle then advertise it’s cold keeping properties. This product can indeed maintain cold temperatures within its canister if it’s necessary. I would also believe other drinks besides water would work in this thing but just make sure you wash it out when your done using it. The product has a convenient strap located on the cap which can be used to hook on to a backpack or your finger for that matter. I do wish the hook had some sort of keychain mechanism where it could be opened and secured tightly once attached.

To test it’s temperature retaining properties I put a plastic water bottle in the fridge for a few hours took the water out and put some in the container. I then put the plastic bottle back in for 3 more hours and at that point, I sipped water from both bottles. The water had only slightly warmed up in that time in a room that was about 75 degrees. I do ponder how this product would work in extreme temperatures found in Phoenix or Qatar but that’s a question for another day. Overall it’s solid also one last note there was an annoying mild chemical smell that emanates from inside the product during initial usage please let it air out.


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