Blusmart IPX8 Waterproof Phone Case Review

Blusmart IPX8 Waterproof Phone Case Review

I have a very painful story to share from my past. I worked at a day camp and if you remember a few years ago when the ice bucket challenge was a fad my camp decided to bring a fire truck into the camp by surprise and sprouted water at everyone in sight. This was not some weak stream it was a powerful blast of water that drenched everyone in sight. My phone did not survive the event and is no longer with us. It was a galaxy s4 and it supposedly had IP rating forgot what it was. Anyway, the verdict of the story is next year when they did the same thing I put my phone in this product here and it was the Galaxy s7 by the way. And now I’m here typing the review on my phone. It’s pretty obvious how it went this year.

The product comes with 2 pouches one for your phone and one for something bigger like a tablet or wallet. It’s very nice and it feels satisfying when you close it. Mine came in blue don’t know if it comes in other colors or not. It’s called Blusmart for a reason I guess so that makes sense. Overall It’s a nice product to have in the summer when water becomes a big part of your families life. This item was sent to me for review no further compensation was provided.

[cryptothanks][wpedon id=1304]

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