09 Sep BlitzWolf BW-AS1 Wireless 20 W Bluetooth Speaker Review
The BlitzWolf BW-AS1 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker is by far the loudest, heaviest and most bass enhanced Bluetooth portable speaker I have ever used before. This truly is the definitive experence for music lovers post the year 2000. Modern songs like Sad, No Brainer among many others all benefit greatly from the enhanced music experence. While classic hits like Hotel Californa, Johnny B Good, and even Autumn Leaves reimagined with Bing Crosby absolutely don’t sounds as good as they should. The issue here is there is no real way to turn the bass boost off effectively without just muffling these classic sounds. This decision to put such huge 20w drivers in this product is indeed a risk as it limits your potential target demographic. But at the same time, it’s also the biggest selling point and helps differentiate this product from other products so I understand why this is the case. The speaker according to the product listing is made of pure aluminum alloy. No wonder this thing is so heavy most products have aluminum on the outside but usually have an inside filler of polycarbonate among many other materials. This product is much louder than other speakers as 50% volume was more than enough to hear everything during a small get together. The company was nice enough to include a better than average complementary micro USB cable. It looks like it’s around 4-5 feet long and actually has 2 strong pins that seem like they will last. The product also comes with a 2.5mm audio cable but this cable had green rings around the base. It seems like some sort of incremental upgrade over the normal cable and reminds me of USB 3.0 vs 2.0 with the color variation. The box itself was designed in a simplistic fashion composed of mostly whites and some grey designs. The inside matched this design with a nearly complete white and grey interior. This is such a small detail but the design of the little feedback card tickled my fancy indeed. One side had a power plug that looked like a sad face while the other side which I presume is the back of manual had a nearly asymmetrical power female plug looking thing with a happy face. Small details like this is what helps sell brands, people, it’s true.
When it comes to actually using the product I was definitely a fan. Bluetooth connection was quick and painless and only took a few seconds. Make sure you hold the power button down long enough to hear two distinct sounds. The first sound is for power while the second one initiates a Bluetooth connection. As I mentioned before this product is quite loud. 50% volume is more than enough for any user unless your outside as this is the loudest speaker I have ever experienced. The heaviness of the product is becoming more understandable considering this sound and bass quality. The only thing I question is the claim that this product is indeed portable. I don’t know about that as an additional pound of weight if not, even more, is not something everyone would be able to handle. I also question the usefulness of this product for more classical music tastes. While I think it sounds really good for recent stuff I would almost argue it sounds poor for more classic music. The product also has other buttons located next to the power button. The plus and minus buttons both have dual functions. A quick press will change the volume of your music track while a long press changes the song choice to the left or the right. The last button is simply a pause and play button which I feel doesn’t need any additional commentary. The actual volume output takes up the entire front facade of the unit. Their are holes scattered throughout the entire unit and the sound sounds more stereo because of it. Also on the back there are some vents they appear some type of subwoofer I believe although the product description doesn’t provide to much detail regarding it’s true intentions. The company was nice enough to include 5200mah of battery power on board. This is used primarily to power the device throughout the day but can be used for powering other devices in special circumstances. Unfortunely while some speakers include USB female ports this product includes nothing more then a 2.5mm port and a micro USB female port which means unless you know how to reverse engineer this process there is no simple way to charge other devices. With a price range approaching the beginning of the premium market this is truly worth it primarily for those users who are all about really loud and bassy music. If this is your need you will simply not be disappointed spending half of what it costs for those Bose speakers. But if your a classical fan from Nirvana’s Smells Like Teenage Spirit all the way back to W. A Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11. Turkish March your probably better off somewhere else. Thanks for sending me this product for review no further compensation was provided besides this free item.
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